Fitzgerald v Wildcat Settlement

Case No. 3:20-CV-00044-NKM-JCH in United States District Court

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Update December 17, 2024:  The Court entered an order granting final approval of the settlement on December 17, 2024.  A copy of the Order is available under the Important Court Documents button above.  The Effective Date of the settlement is January 16, 2025.  Payments to eligible class members will be sent out within 60 days of January 16, 2025.



If You Obtained a Loan from  Lendgreen, LendUMo, Zfunds, Makwa Financial, Brightstar Cash, National Small Loan, Bear Claw Lending, Sky Trail Cash, Loan at Last, Nine Torches, Bridge Lending Solutions, Lakeshore Loans, UbiCash, Cash Aisle, MitigCapital, Avail Blue, Evergreen Services, Blue River Lending, Quick Help Loans (Greenline), or Radiant Cash,

 You Could Get Loan Forgiveness and a Cash Payment from a Settlement.


A federal court ordered this notice.  This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.


  • Read this Notice.  It states your rights and provides you with information regarding a proposed nationwide Class Action settlement (“Settlement”) against a number of individuals and entities involved in the making and collecting of online loans originated by the 20 lending entities, listed above, associated with the Lac de Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians (the “Tribe”), which are referred to here as the LDF Lending Companies.  The settling parties listed below are known here as the Released Parties.


  • This Notice is a summary of information about the Settlement and explains your legal rights and options because you are a member of the class of borrowers who will be affected if the Settlement is approved by the Court.  The complete terms of the proposed Settlement are available at the Settlement website,  You may also contact Class Counsel for further details and advice.
  • A lawsuit was brought on behalf of all individuals who obtained a loan from any of the LDF Lending Companies against officials of the Tribe (“Tribal Officials”), entities, and individuals alleged to be involved in the Companies’ operations.  The lawsuit claimed that the disputed loans were made at annual interest rates greater than what is permitted by state law, or the lenders did not have a license to lend when one was required, allegedly making the loans illegal, deceptive, or unfair under various state and federal laws. The defendants and other Released Parties denied all allegations in this lawsuit.
  • As part of the proposed Settlement, all loans issued by the LDF Lending Companies between July 24, 2016, and October 1, 2023, will be cancelled if still unpaid, totaling approximately $1.4 billion in cancelled debt.  Class members who do not exclude themselves from the Settlement will also receive automatic cash payments from a $37,350,000.00 ($37.35 million) fund based on applicable state laws and the amounts paid on their loans, as well as other benefits outlined below.


 DO NOTHING You will remain a member of the Settlement Class and may be eligible for benefits, including debt cancellation.  You will give up rights to ever sue the Released Parties about the legal claims that are in the lawsuits.
EXCLUDE YOURSELF You can opt out of the Settlement, and you will not be eligible for any benefits, including any cash payments.  This is the only option that allows you to keep any rights you have to bring, or to become part of, another lawsuit involving the claims being settled.  There is no guarantee that another lawsuit would be successful or would lead to a larger or better recovery than this Settlement.
OBJECT TO THE SETTLEMENT If you do not exclude yourself, you may write to the Court about why you don’t like the Settlement or why the Court should not approve it.